
Phó Trung

You might be wondering by now what Phó Trung is. Phó Trung is a Vietnamese noodle soup. I tasted it yesterday. For anybody who is patriotic, please be kind enough to let me show you the soup I had yesterday. Phó Trung I ate cost only 5800 riels. I was full to the fullest extent….bloated

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New Responsibility for me?

I am a little bit tired but happy today because I have for two days taken up a small new position and responsibility for engineering a weblog of fervently believe being a Cambodian, we have rights to access to information. In terms of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, it is extremely important for us to

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“I Didn’t And Won’t Vote; It’s No Big Deal” In the 2003 national election, Chea Kim Lang, 23 now, was at the legal age for voting, but she did not. As the 27 July 2008 national election is coming near, Kim Lang does not have any plan to vote at all. Looking a bit angry

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Is There Future?

I feel that there are so many people in the countryside getting traumatized and victimized by poverty. I have been bombarded with so much information of what causes poverty. What is meant by countryside and poverty? What’s the interrelation between them? I’ve seen that in other provinces around Cambodia, there are a lot of peasants,

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