How to Earn Money Through Blogging?

A few days ago, I was greatly honored to teach my friends and lecturer about how to start a blog. I’d really like all of them to know about blogging and more about how to earn money through blogging. This is a piece of exciting news.
Then, Vutha shed light on my question. Thanks to him, I get to know more how to earn in blogging. 🙂 If you would love to know, read Vutha’s blog.

5 thoughts on “How to Earn Money Through Blogging?”

  1. If there is quick-guide on how to get rich, then there is no world poverty.

    Writing a weblog post about how to make money with blogging is a way to get attention (specifically web traffic to the site).

    It doesn’t matter much when too many people believe in what a fortuneteller tells this and that, but the teller him/herself is not rich.

    I’m neither a blogger advocate or evangelist to convince that blog is a greatly used for making money.

    All I know is that it’s a tool; just like a knife. It relies heavily on how you (who you’re that matters) use it.

  2. Hello Bong Tharum,

    Thank you very much for your ideas.

    For me, I don’t depend on blogging to earn money. I’ve been curious because one of my lecturers encourages me to learn about it. He has personal interest in it himself.

    But I don’t understand this…Writing a weblog post about how to make money with blogging is a way to get attention (specifically web traffic to the site).

    Thanks…please explain! 😀


  3. Okay, let me clarify what I wrote again using an example.

    Mr. A talks about why learning English as a second language is important.

    Mr. B talks about an easy to make money with little effort.

    So, which one would you love to hear?

    Just call my name. I think I’m at about your age. 😉

  4. So, which one would you love to hear?

    Just call my name. I think I’m at about your age. 😉

    I prefer both. 😀

    Are you sure you are my age? I am 20 years old! What about you? I’m sure you’re older, Brother Tharum! haha

    Am i that old that you think I’m your age? 🙁

  5. It is great that you have ability to teach and willing to learn how to make money online. I do love and inspire people who have the feeling the same as me.

    Keep the good work and stick with a solid plan- never settle yourself to weakness, laziness, and pointless!

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