Guest Lecture

Day of Study

My department often holds a guest lecture once a week and takes Friday for that. So every Friday, students from each academic year gather together in a room to listen to our guest speaker. Usually the director of our department is the one to invite guest speakers who possess skills and professionalism that are useful for students here.

Today, we have Miss Reang Putsata, a Cambodian-American professional journalist, who writes stories of investigation, speak to us about the similarities and differences between the media in the US and Cambodia. It’s a really interesting speech because not only do we learn about the media history in the US but also in Cambodia.That way, we begin to put more efforts into getting to know the history of media in Cambodia. Without knowing what happened in the first, we can’t improve what we are doing.


Miss Putsata

Receiving an honored certificate

Showing her enthusiasm

Does anybody know when the first newspaper in Cambodia was started? Three people started the first newspaper, Nokorwat, which criticized the French colony, Vietnam dormination, Chinese business dormination in Cambodia and the then- Cambodian civil servants . Why do we need to learn about the history or the history of the media? How different is between the media in the US and in Cambodia?

1 thought on “Guest Lecture”

  1. Kounila,
    The differences are independence and credibility. The media, let’s say ABC, NBC or the Washington Post are not affiliated with the government. They are privately owned by business corporation and they are highly respected. The media reports things freely without worrying to watch over its shoulders.

    People believe in them, the government is afraid of them. If it reports inaccurately, it loses its credibility and so does its business revenue.

    The media is the backbone of democracy in the US.

    You could go to Youtube and type Fox News and select one of the screens. Fox News invites politicians to asnwer questions on TV. It grills them unimaginable. When it’s over, it’s politics as usual and no one takes politics as personal.

    A little too long here.


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