Produced by 60 students given film instructions by Davy Chou, film “twin diamonds” will probably be the first movie encouraged to be screened for the public. The screening will be honorably joined by the Minister of Information and several famous Cambodian film-makers of the past (1960s) such as Dy Saveth, Ly Bun Yim, Ly You Sreang and Yvone Hem.
Here is the english trailer:
Here is the Khmer trailer:
Here is the blog of the film:
And here is the facebook link :
I just feel like I want to say you have a good domain name and easy to speak it up and of course very intersting domain name. well done
HEy Bong Piseth,
The credit should really go to “”. He did a lot of research for me to come up with this funny domain name. Haha. Very funny indeed, cos it sounds like I”m a blue girl who likes blogging. Haha. Yes, I’m so blue that I want to blog. :-p