
Guest Lecture

Day of StudyMy department often holds a guest lecture once a week and takes Friday for that. So every Friday, students from each academic year gather together in a room to listen to our guest speaker. Usually the director of our department is the one to invite guest speakers who possess skills and professionalism that

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The Water Festival 2007

This year, 2 million people were expected to go to the riverside to see the boat race and the huge exhibition in Phnom Penh. Too crowded? The water festival is celebrated every year for three days in November in remembrance of the naval armies who devoted for Cambodia and of the great usefulness of water

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Today's Exercise

Looking at the dark sky, I was collecting my courage and determination to start up my little trip walking from my part-time course class to an internet cafe. It took me about 25 minutes. The distance was quite very far. I wasn’t sure about the exact distance between the starting point and the destination. I

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