How could I forget my birthday? When I look back, I smile. Without the admistrator unconsciously emphasizing the date, I would never realize. “Today is March 6th,” she said. “March 6th?” I thought, surprised within myself. 21 years ago, a girl was born, without realizing what she would be like in the future. Her parents had no clue—her father wanted her to be a boy– but she demanded her rights to be born as a girl but with a boy’s spirit… Haha.. it is not a fairy tale, at last.
After my mother delivered me, my father came to our side. He raised me up and looked at the place which could tell him exactly if I was a boy or a girl. He beamed when he saw me. But after some inspection, “Heyya, a girl again,” he thought. 😀 Months before, my mother in her pregnancy showed a sign of me to be born as a boy. She dreamt of a dark green-gemmed blacelet before I was born. Cambodians believe that if women dream of anything that belongs to a girl, the baby will be a girl. Father wanted me as ‘a boy’. How could I suite his taste? 😀 And, at last, I turned out to be like him, quite brown, though female. 😀 That offsets everything, doesn’t it? 😀
Hope you managed to do something special to celebrate your special day!
I’m proud of you standing your ground and being “boyish”! Just remember you’re a very pretty girl too, and you’re allowed to be just that if you should choose to ^^
Happy birthday to you!!!
yes, we have got a lob lob 21 years ago, stupid!! This is the age here we treat as eligible age for marriage 😉